販売管理 井上 真理子 
所在地 福岡市博多区住吉2-3-7
電話番号 090-4289-1369
受付時間 11:00〜24:00
メールアドレス oriental8dplus@gmail.com
ホームページURL https://oriental-dplus.com/
販売価格 商品(メニュー)ページをご参照ください。
商品及び施術料金以外の必要料金 なし
引き渡し時期 ご注文から3日以内にお届け致します。
お支払方法 クレジットカード及び銀行振込
返品・交換・キャンセル 購入から2週間以内なら可能。
返品期限 商品購入より2週間以内にご連絡下さい。
返品送料 お客様のご負担となります。





Our massage salon is a relaxation salon that only offers aroma treatments. It is not a hospital, clinic, treatment center, or treatment center as defined by the Medical care , and treatment center that uses acupressure, massage, and acupuncture. In addition, please note that there are no rejuvenating massages or customs services. We strictly prohibit the use of the store for such purposes or those who force such a purpose.



ご希望のセラピストが欠席した場合等は、 キャンセルもしくはフリーでのご案内となりますので予めご了承下さい。来店してからのコースの変更やキャンセル、他のセラピストへのご指名の変更は出来かねますのでご注意ください。無断のキャンセルや直前のキャンセル等繰り返された場合、ご予約をお取りできなくなります。


Terms & Conditions

Persons under the age of 18 are not allowed to use the service. Abusive language, harassment, filming with devices such as video cameras and mobile phones with cameras are strictly prohibited, and coercion of sexual services is also prohibited.
It is prohibited for those who are intoxicated and those who use drugs. In addition, please note that we do not accept public phones or unannounced calls to ensure the safety of therapists.

If it is determined that the treatment by the therapist cannot be continued, the treatment may be discontinued and you may be asked to leave. If there is a violation of our terms of use, please leave the store even during the treatment and refuse to enter the store from the next time, so please understand. We do not offer any refunds.
Please note that if the therapist of your choice is absent, it will be canceled or provided free of charge. Please note that it is not possible to change or cancel the course after coming to the store, or change the appointment of another therapist. If you cancel without notice or cancel at the last minute, you will not be able to make a reservation.

We appreciate your understanding in order to provide even higher services to our customers and to use them comfortably.

Thank you for your understanding.

